Codecademy review


HTML lessons at Codecademy.

So far I’ve finished one course at Codecademy, and in the middle of my second. It was the first site recommended to me when I crowdsourced on Facebook for a place to begin when I was considering learning code.

Codecademy’s format is very easy to follow. For the Command Line course, they give you instructions to execute at a terminal/text editor on the right side of your screen, then they explain the elements of the command and how it works. The HTML and CSS course I’m taking now has a screen divided into three: the explanation, the text editor, and the screen that executes the html code into what the display would look like in a browser. But the format of the lessons themselves are the same. Instructions then explanation.

Everything’s been very easy so far, and I think the HTML lessons in particular have been the easiest-to-understand that I’ve ever come across in my life. I do have a little background on HTML from my college days making fansites of a favorite show (cringe) and I thought myself through online sources back then as well. Codecademy probably took the least amount of time while still covering all the basics. Let’s see if the same is true for the CSS lessons, which I’ll probably do tonight.


Command Line course at Codecademy

5 thoughts on “Codecademy review

  1. i didnt know they had a command line course. thats wonderful; i highly recommend bash as a “language” (really more of an environment) to learn.

    before i wrote fig, i wrote (most of) a book designed to introduce the reader to the bash command line. probably the best project ive done using fig is at least 50% bash, though most of the programs contain no bash code at all.


      • lpthw (as its commonly known) is a good resource, from what ive found. im a big fan of python, but like the lpthw author, i prefer python 2 and find it much more friendly than the “new, ‘improved'” version.

        python 2 (still supported by the python foundation) has many fans, and is scheduled to be dropped in 2020. im not sure what the solution would be for that, but im leaning towards pypy (a good alternative python intepreter to the official one.)

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  2. I used codeacademy to use JavaScript and found it is great for real beginners as it is very hold handing. But as you begin to to develop your skills, the hand holding aspect may be more detrimental than anything. Goodluck with your coding 🙂

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